Your voice is your biggest asset and most powerful tool. Use it properly, and you can achieve anything!

Your voice is your biggest asset and most powerful tool. Use it properly, and you can achieve anything!
I teach and guide my students through speech writing and presenting in all fields and settings. From school students to professionals. From class speeches to corporate events. I work one-on-one to assist in preparing strong speeches and achieving outstanding delivery. Through the speech writing process, I guide students towards finding their core argument or message and developing this into a fluid, concise and engaging speech, one that appeals to the intellect as well as the emotion of the audience. Throughout the presentation process, I work to establish strong vocal technique, appropriate pause, voice projection, hand gesture, posture, gravitas, correct breathing and eye contact, as well as confidence in the individual and their ability.
I run small speech and drama classes for children aged 5 to 12. These classes are a fun and creative way for students to explore their imaginations, start to feel comfortable performing in front of an audience and build their self-confidence. We often use poetry as the basis of each lesson, which leads into drama, improvisation, movement and voice development. I also familiarize the idea of public speaking, particularly impromptu speech, and always with a focus on correct articulation, intonation, expression and voice projection. From age 7 I introduce students to either the Trinity Guildhall Speech and Drama or LAMDA examination process. I also encourage my students to enter Speech and Drama Eisteddfods and Public Speaking competitions. Throughout their lessons with me, my biggest focus is building their confidence, teaching them life skills and fostering an appreciation of the Arts.
I offer one-on-one elocution lessons for anyone who wishes to improve their speech, presentation and communication. Through breathing techniques, and a range of speech and voice exercises, sessions will improve fluency of speech as well as articulation, intonation and intelligibility.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic, many of us have been communicating and presenting via zoom. This often requires a higher level of elocution as clarity and eye contact can be difficult to maintain. If you require assistance with speech over Zoom or similar communication tools, please email me to be placed on a waiting list.
I offer private sessions for children and teenagers to assist them with particular performance or creative tasks that they are working on at school or university. I use a range of techniques to guide students through their tasks, while encouraging their ideas, opinions and decisions, fostering their creativity, and equipping them with the skills to become excellent writers, creators and performers. I also prepare students for Independent School interviews. Rather than teach them the “correct” answer to various questions, I work on their presentation and communication skills and the art of making a strong impression. I also give them excellent tips and insights so that they go in feeling confident and positive on the day.
Often, young people entering the work force for the first time find the interview process extremely daunting. But perhaps even more often, individuals who have been part of the workforce for a number of years, still find it difficult to give presentations and address a room full of colleagues or professionals. Through simple techniques and strategies, I give professionals the tools they need to become confident speakers and presenters. In only a few sessions, we will cover everything from interview skills, to presenting your ideas in a self assured and poised manner. And most importantly, together we will combat your nerves so that throughout your professional career you remain a calm and confident speaker.
I work with young actors and performers to fine-tune the voice, body and mind into a particular role, and to achieve greater conviction in their characters.
I offer one-on-one lessons for better results in auditions, particularly entrance auditions for theatre and film schools. We will work through your audition program, perfecting the various monologues and pieces, focusing on characterisation, accents, vocal tone, expression and intonation, to achieve deeper understanding of the roles, greater conviction and empathy. As well as this, I will guide you through answering questions appropriately, speaking to a panel, approaching improvisation creatively and skilfully, calming your nerves and putting your best self forward on the day.